Monday, April 16, 2007

McDonald's Mocha Latte

McDonalds now is serving latte's. On one of our trips home from the doctor's visit, we decided to stop and get our three year old some lunch and try one of their Mocha Latte's. Now, I realize, that after making it a habit of drinking a quality latte from Starbucks that my taste buds are used to a certain level of taste. So keeping this in mind, I took my first sip. Then I took a second because the first one wasn't quite what I expected. The second sip was not either and neither was the third and fourth.

After several attempts to enjoy the latte from McDonalds, I gave up.

My opinion:

Two thumbs down.

It reminds me of drinking very old coffee that has been nuked a few times. Although, maybe this is a brilliant idea of theirs to efficiently get rid of their old coffee from the morning that didn't get all used up. Add some sugar, ice and maybe chocolate and you have yourself a Mocha Iced Latte to sell to customers for a mere discounted price (compared to Starbucks) of $2.87. If that is what you are looking for, you've got a deal. But don't let the tantalizing commercials fool you into purchasing a latte-want-to-be.